Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The cat´s out of the bag!

FINALLY I can share something totally awesome!

I got on a new CT! It´s for the awesome Anja de Dobbelarere who designs under the name On A Whimsical Adventure. She sells her designs on many places -as you can see on her homepage - but I´m gonna be involved in showing what I make with her digital goodies over at The Digichick and Digital Scrapbooking Studio. I actually got a head start and you have already seen some of the layouts I made for her:

What you haven´t seen in the blog so far are these:

I´ve linked them all to my gallery over at The Digichick for full credits.

Applying to a new team is always nervous and I´ve got so many rejections prior to this one so I wasn´t certain that I actually would apply. I´m so happy that I did - I really LOVE her style and I feel so honored to be on the team!

Thanks Anja for having me - and I´m so looking forward to this! <3 p="">

Cheers, Carina

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