Sunday, November 13, 2016

30 Days of Gratitude

November means that there´s always a 30 Days of Gratitude challenge somewhere and this year I decided to take part in The Lilypad´s:

The list is quite demanding but I love how it makes my head spin and challenge my creativity. I actually am quite up to date and have finished all days to the 11th. I´ve decided that I will either print the pages at home and put them in a 4x4 inches album or send them off to be printed into a book. I also decided to make as much as possible in Swedish since it´s my native language and in that way make it more personal. Here are my pages so far:

It´s really gonna be fun to see all the pages together when I´m done and I love playing with this art journaling style.

Have a great day!
Hugs, Carina

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