Sunday, August 14, 2016

CSI: Color, Stories, Inspiration

I´m back with another challenge that I´m doing - CSI:Color, Stories, Inspiration. Three times a month they present a case that you have to solve with scrapbooking and it´s really fun! Let´s have a look at this month´s Major Case File:

You always have to use all the colors. Then you choose three evidence clues and one testimony clue. 
For the Major Case File there´s also a sketch made by The Nifty Pixel which you also get as a digital template which is great if you like to scrap digital. The great thing about CSI is that you can choose if you wanna do it in paper or digital. 

Here´s how I solved this case:

I chose to rotate the sketch 90 degrees. I used a digital kit called Artistic by Meagan´s Creations which you can find at The DigiChick.

Tomorrow I start working again after my vacation and as always I have mixed emotions about it. It´s really nice to have time off but again routine is also a good thing...

Have it great! /Carina

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