Monday, March 06, 2017

Summary of February challenges

During the month of February I managed to finish ALL the challenges at The DigiChick (TDC) and The Lily-Pad (TLP). I also did some layouts for my CT´s and five for the Bingo challenge at The Sweet Shoppe (SSD).

Since I CT for The Nifty Pixel at TDC and On A Whimsical Adventure at SSD I certainly use their wonderful designs for the challenges which is a win-win situation for all of us. I like doing the challenges and they get more attention when it comes to their products.

Thanks to a thread at TLP I discovered how to do simple collages in PSE so now I can show you all my layouts in one pic! Here are the layouts I made in February:

That´s 32 layouts in a month! No wonder I fill my printed photo albums for digiscrapping so fast!

I really think that challenges really boost my creativity and makes me do more different layouts. I´m still a one-photo layouts kinda girl but they don´t look the same. I´ve embraced the fact that I really like sticking to one photo when doing layouts - it´s what works best for me.

Hope you got some inspiration from ME this time - and don´t hesitate to do challenges! They´re fun and sometimes you even win stuff....😊

Hugs, Carina

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