Sunday, October 02, 2016

New releases and DSD

This weekend it was time for DSD - Digital Scrapbooking Day. Isn´t funny how the manage to always stretch these days over several days? The more appropriate title would be DSW - Digital Scrapbooking Weekend...Hehehe!

Aaanyway - my sweet designers had made some releases besides their awesome sales (which you still can be a part of as of today Sunday). You can find the links to the right ---------->

The Nifty Pixel released a totally awesome Halloweeny collection which I totally adore:

As always you CAN buy them separately but I really think you have to see the whole collection. I can also finally show you a layout with this that I really like myself:

If you are a fan of Penny Dreadful I think you recognize the handsome Dr Frankenstein. I´m gonna miss that show so much.

Next new release is from Juno Designs who once more has teamed up with Amanda Yi and made another Zodiac collab:

I think the color combos are gorgeous and you really don´t have to make a Virgo layout at all. Like I did - since there´s no one in the family that is born in that sign:


I had planned to do some "stalking" in the forums of the digicommunity during DSD - but to my happy surprise my DD was home from college so I got to spend some quality time with her.  I did a little shopping and made ONE DSD challenge layout.

This is what I got from The Lily-Pad:

And since I spent $15 I got this gorgeous collab for free:

I already have Part One which I manage to download for free this past week as their pre-DSD freebie;

As my last thing today I want to show you my latest project I´m working on. I bought some new dies from Tim Holtz:


I decided to reuse some old boxes I had at home and this is it for now:

Or actually - that is the latest photo I have right now. I just painted it with gesso and gonna let that dry really good. THEN the fun can begin!

Catch you later!/Carina

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